Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Photo Assignment Shadows and light

ISO: 80
Aperture: f/4
Shutter Speed: 1/60 second

This week I took pictures of Shadows and Light, taking these pictures was easy because there was a lot of light on the day I took pictures. It was sunny outside so most of my pictures are taken outside with the shadows of the trees and stuff. I really like my main photo because it has a good contrast and also you see some light and shadows, not strictly shadows or light.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Portrait Demo

For this photo assignment we had to take 2 portrait pictures, one of the pictures is using window lighting and the other picture is using sandwich lighting using studio lights. The window lighted picture turned out with a blue tint, because of the blue windows, so I had to go into Gimp and change the color balance. The sandwich lighting was a little bit bright so i had to tone it down some. Then we had to put it on a black background and add white frames using Gimp.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Photo assignment; black and white

This week I took black and white. It was easy because you can just find things with dark to light contrast and take pictures of them, then turn them into black and white. It was kind of hard however because not all turned out well in black and white and so they looked gray. You didn't have to worry about color, because you turned it all to some shade of black, white, or gray. My main picture is in my basement, so I had to use a bright lamp.

Shutter speed: 1/60 second
Aperture f/3.5
ISO: 200

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Context Assignment

For this assignment we took pictures of part of the school. Then we went onto Gimp and edited it changing that context. I added in Mario and Luigi as if they were running on the track. I really liked this assignment because it gave you more freedom to be creative with a picture.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Photo Assignment Nature

Shutter speed: 1/60 second
ISO: 200
Aperture: f3.4

This week I took Nature Pictures. I took this picture this morning, so there was lots of bright light. I think this picture turned out well. I was standing under the tree pointing up, and it turned out pretty well. This was kinda fun, because it was nice weather outside, so it made taking the pictures fun.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Taking panoramic photos really taught me a lot about photo taking, and photo editing. To take a panoramic photo you have to have your photos overlap quite a bit, and have all the pictures taken at the same settings without really moving the camera. Once the pictures were taken I put them on the computer and put them in Gimp. Editing it in Gimp taught me more about photo editing, layers, and blending. Getting the photos to line up was a challenge and it took awhile and a lot of patience to make them mesh well together.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Photo Assignment Macro

This week I decided to take pictures of macro. This assignment was difficult because it was hard to decide what to take pictures of, and how close to the object I should be. It was fun though because I got to take pictures of random objects. I like this picture because it shows the detail in the bubbles of pop, and its not blurry.

Shutter: 1/60 second
ISO: 200
Aperture: f/2.6

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Motion Demo

Today we took motion pictures using panning. I learned that you get the camera ready, and push the button down half way and you need to move the camera at the speed of the moving object, and after you shoot the picture you need to keep following through with the motion. This takes a lot of practice to get right, I shot a little early for most of my pictures, so he was far to one side.

Shutter speed: 1/100 seconds
ISO: 80

Monday, May 3, 2010

Photo Assignment Light Painting

This week I decided to do light painting. I did it in my basement at night with the help of my sister and her friend. Light painting was really fun, its a different type of picture taking, but it was hard because not every picture turned out, so you needed a lot of patience. Instead of using a normal flashlight i used a pen that the top lights up red and blue, which I think created a cool effect.

Shutter speed: 15 seconds
Aperture: f/4.5
ISO: 100

Friday, April 30, 2010

Gimp Photo Editing!

This is a picture taken at an auto show. When I started out with the picture there was a person in the background and lights and words, and reflections from lights all over the hood of the car. Using gimp I edited the person, lights reflections and words out. I also darkened the windshield, and the color overall. This assignment helped me learn more about photo editing and how to use gimp. I have learned more about how to edit photos to make them look better, and how to use gimp.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Photo Assignment Animals

This was the first photo assignment, I did it on Animals. I took pictures, of my dogs. But they weren't cooperating, so i went out to take pictures of wild animals. I needed to take pictures on a schedule, so i had to go out in the pouring rain, to take pictures of Geese, swans, and birds. It gave me lots of photo-taking experience, and i learned what kind of pictures turn out and what doesn't. I am excited to take more pictures, because i feel more confident about my picture taking skills.

ISO: 200
Aperture: f/3.2
Shutter speed: 1/640

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gimp assignment 1

This assignment taught me the basics on using gimp, photo editing. We used tools to take a basic portrait and turn it into pop art. Taking the picture, and making it so there were 4 pictures each picture the same, just edited to make them each different colors.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Composition Project

This assignment was to help us learn different picture taking techniques, and the basic skills of using our camera. I learned more about using a camera, and how to take some better pictures. We had to take pictures using Color, thirds, depth of field, texture, pattern, balance, lines, perspective, space, framing, symmetry. We went around the school trying to find pictures using these, some were harder to find then others.

Space= "gum wrapper on the floor"
color= "papers"
perspective= "girl looking up"
lines= "pool walls"
texture= "vent"
depth of field = "shoe"
rule of thirds = "girl thinking"
symmetry = "staircase"
pattern= "carpet"
balance= "girl outside"
framing= "door"

I learned more about using camera, and different picture taking techniques, such as rule of thirds. I also learent how to download pictures onto the computer and edit them on photoshop.com, and then putting them on a blog. This project helped my photo taking skills and also how to do things with the photo on the computer, making the pictures better.